Byng Arts
A community of young artists and their mentors
After the offers
Frequently Asked Questions
9) My report card won't be ready by the deadline, what should I do?
We find that this is often the case for several of our applicants. If this is the case for you, please submit all the required documents in the application envelope and forward the missing report card by the beginning of January to the school via mail, email (byngarts@vsb.bc.ca), fax, or in person. Ensure that you include your application number on all submitted forms.
In addition, the online form is available for you to update until school resumes in January, following the Winter Break. At any point during this timeframe, an applicant can go online and update or resubmit their online application with the new additions. As stated above we will take the most recently submitted form as the correct one.
New report cards - in some districts, report cards have taken new formats that differ from our online form which asks for letter grades and work habits. If you have a report card that uses written statements and other means of capturing a student's progress, don't worry, you don't need to try to translate your grades to fit our form. Simply record n/a for the section and add a note explaining the reason for your response in the paragraph section that follows the report card section.