Byng Arts
A community of young artists and their mentors
After the offers
Frequently Asked Questions
1) I am very interested in pursuing writing and thought that the Byng Mini School might be an avenue to this goal, but it does not appear to be one of the areas that Byng Arts offers. Will I be able to develop my writing at Byng?
Yes, English courses have always been a strong component of Byng Arts. We offer a challenging program for all grades. We formally recognize strong English students in our Literary Arts focus beginning in Grade 11 and 12.
Senior students, who wish to earn a major or minor in Literary Arts need to qualify for and be enrolled in Enriched English 11 and English 12 Advanced Placement. In addition to this, they must successfully complete either two other English electives for a major or one other English elective for a minor. Electives that qualify are English Literature 12 and Creative Writing 12.
At each senior grade level (Gr 11, 12) one section of Byng Arts English is designated as the Literary Arts class. The 28 seats of the 84 total seats in the program are filled with the strongest English students from all the other departments (Choir, Media, Strings, etc.). Outside applicants can apply directly into this class, however, we have very limited space for outside applicants.