Byng Arts
A community of young artists and their mentors
After the offers
Frequently Asked Questions
1) What can parents do to help?
Byng Arts parents can seek out several ways to contribute:
- The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) combines parents from the main school and parents from Byng Arts. A strong voice for the needs of the students in the Byng Arts program is maintained by having mini-school parents join this important group.
- Visual Arts/Gallery Art Club Group, Jon Hartley-Folz, contact: jhartley@vsb.bc.ca
- Strings Program, Odette Kurth, contact: okurth@vsb.bc.ca
- Music Society, Scott MacLennan, contact: smaclennan@vsb.bc.ca
- Theatre Production, Jen McLean, contact: jmclean@vsb.bc.ca
- Byng Arts Administration, Jon Hartley-Folz, contact: jhartley@vsb.bc.ca