Byng Arts
A community of young artists and their mentors
After the offers
Frequently Asked Questions
2) How do you select for the short-list?
We look for "above average" students in the academic subjects, and good work habits.
Our first measure of an applicant's potential success in our program are their marks and work habits in their last two report cards. We also pay very close attention to teacher comments.
Any student with less than C+ average will not be short-listed. Furthermore, students with C- or N work habits in any academics (English, Social Studies, Science, Math, and French) are often not short-listed. During the online application we do allow you (the student, not the parent!) to explain unusual circumstances and how you will improve.
We also cross-check report card marks with the District Cognitive Skills Assessment test, as well as the referee's assessment to ensure that we are not making a mistake.
We know that this appears heartless and there could be many reasons why a student shows a low level of achievement, but it is better that we do not mislead you. The academic portion of our program will be too difficult for you, and you would have a difficult year- something you wouldn't want at the start of your high school career!
We expect even more applicants with C+ or higher averages to apply each year. We will have to look more closely at how your referee and teachers view your strength of character and ability to work with others.
Please review our program philosophy to see why we short-list this way.