Program Features

Grade 8 Program Features:

Grade 8 Program Options:
  • May take an additional fine art (with approval from the Registrar) by dropping French 8 and taking the Spanish program beginning in Grade 10 to meet university requirements
  • Write the Mathematics placement exam for Mathematics 8 Enriched
  • French Immersion students placed in higher level French course

NOTE: Successful placement in the above option(s) may require the student to make adjustments within the Byng Arts program. In all cases, consideration is given to maintain the integrity of the Byng Arts program as much as possible without jeopardizing the student's career and academic goals. Students may not take any of the above streamed courses (English and Social Studies) through distance education or summer school.

Grade 9 & 10 Program:
  • Streamed in English and Social Studies
  • As stated above students are expected to attend these streamed courses at grade level with their peers, students may not complete these streamed courses (English, Social Studies) through distance education or summer school
  • Streamed in fine arts specialty (Band, Choir, Drama, Media Arts, Strings, or Visual Arts)
  • Integrated with main school in Science, French/Spanish and Mathematics
  • Integrated with main school for other electives in Applied Skills or Fine Arts

Grade 11 & 12 Program:
  • Features fewer streamed courses to allow greater specialization
  • Streamed in: English 11/12 and intensive course(s) in a fine art specialty
  • Opportunity for advanced work in Literary Arts begins in Grade 11 with Enriched English 11 and AP English 12.
  • As stated above students are expected to attend these streamed courses at grade level with their peers, students may not complete English through distance education or summer school
  • Integrated in other courses; may include other intensive courses in fine art specialties
  • Potential for work experience with arts organizations
  • Articulation with post-secondary programs
  • Specialization in Fine Arts courses towards a Major, Interdisciplinary or Honours concentration